CARDINAL RECORDS is proud to announce
two new Fossils releases in physical and digital formats
material for both recorded direct to tape december 2013-april 2014
@ mjc hq hamilton, ontario; fossils were Daniel Farr and David Payne
continuing to work with Texas poet Bill Shute and his wonderful Kendra Steiner label
co-released with Middle James Co. we have the "wooly bully" cdr in an edition of merely 40
here's what Bill writes:
So much electronic music or “noise” is boring or academic or repetitive or stupid or pretentious—-it lacks the FEELING and EMOTION and SENSE OF PLAY WITH INFINITE POSSIBILITY that initially got me excited about feedback/white-noise/electronics/noise-improv. Thankfully, FOSSILS are around to keep it raw and real and witty and abrasive and fresh and spontaneous and ever-evolving. Remember Wile E. Coyote always trying to blow up the Road Runner with various ACME explosive products? WOOLY BULLY is the free-improv/noise/DIY electronics version of Looney Tunes Acme products….AND SO MUCH MORE. It’s like a musical version of a Stan Brakhage film but on steroids and with banana peels on the floor of the editing room. FOSSILS are the reigning kings of sly DIY industrial noise free-improv. Therefore, we at KSE are proud to announce that we have partnered with Middle James Co. of Ontario, Canada for this VERY limited Fossils release: a stunner of a CDR album, with a total of 40 copies made, 20 copies (odd numbers) available from Middle James Co/Cardinal Records and 20 copies (even numbers) available from KSE.
order for $5 +
you can also stream/download the companion-piece "NO L7" at our bandcamp page
thank you for your support!