Friday, March 14, 2014

CARD12 FOSSILS cutting heads

CARDINAL RECORDS is proud to present
FOSSILS 'cutting heads' 7-inch lathe + cdr
These documents capture the Fossils collective live in international action showcasing international players. In various forms we have our core duo of Payne & Farr squaring off with longtime sax maniac Rob Michalchuk. We hear from critical American Fossils alum Nathaniel Brennan on trumpet, clarinet and vocals;  plus joining the crew Buffalo-based celloist T.J. Borden.
Here's the breakdown...

ONE SIDE - Fossils were Borden, Brennan & Payne September 30 2013 in New Haven & October 3 2013 in Boston edited & mixed by Daniel Farr.
OTHER SIDE - ...Farr, Michalchuk & Payne March 18 2013 in Brantford.

1.  ...Farr & Payne August 4 2012 in Albany
2.  ...Farr & Payne August 11 2012 in Rochester
3.  ...Michalchuk & Payne July 6 2013 in Brantford
4. ...Payne July 6 2013 in Brantford edited & mixed by Farr

stream the entire CDR for free or download for whatever price you choose here:

Lathes cut by Graham Baldwin at 2208

Limited to 25 copies.

$20 ppd North America
$23 ppd World


&&& for an extra $5 (shipping included) !!!

we have copies of a new collab between Fossils duo Farr/Payne and Texas poet Bill Shute.
'Diesel Fallout Dixie Stampede' is an oddball cdr using only the poet's spoken words as sound source.
read more about the release here: